Burgers have been a summer staple for as long as we can imagine, but that doesn’t mean we have to stick with the same old boring, browned-beef routine. Why not put a twist on them and give the picky eaters in your life – and yourself! – some variety with delicious options?
Can’t imagine what those options would be? Don’t worry friends— that’s why you have us, and we have The Domestic Geek on our side! She’s here today to show us how to make three different kinds of burgers that will satisfy any and all palates. (And yes, that includes vegetarians!)
Now, all three of these burgers are absolutely delicious, but we just have to highlight our favorite: Mushroom-and-Swiss-Stuffed Burgers! Yes, you read that correctly. These burgers are not only perfectly cooked, seasoned and topped, they’re stuffed with Cremini mushrooms and shredded Swiss cheese for flavor that will, as the Domestic Geek says, “blow your mind!”
Since it’s our fave, we’re sharing the recipe below. Check it out, then scroll down to watch The Domestic Geek whip it up AND share the other two delicious burger options.